K  H  U  S  H        M  E  H  T  A


Who I Am.

Welcome to my little website, which simply put is a showcase for all my work. I'm Khush, a high school student passionate about Programming, Game Development, Graphic Designing. 3D Modelling & so much more. I hope you get a good idea of my creative side here.

Journey Over The Years.

As a 12-year-old boy, my passion for programming started with a simple ping pong game I made as a pastime activity. I didn't understand any of the code, but that was the start of the domino effect that led me here. I tried Unity when I was 12 too, but gave up unable to understand anything. When I picked it up again in 2020 though, I gave it my best and learned various other skill like Graphic Designing, Programming and 3D Modelling in the process. Now I'm working on a few projects in my free time along with some freelance work time to time.